Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Re-vamping a boring cork pin board

Ever have issues finding pins for important things to pin to your notice board or end up with one pin holding so many things it drops off and disappears behind the radiator.

I decided to make my pin board pinless. Instead of using pins there is a number of crossing elastic panels which over lap and decorated with buttons.

Things you will need:
Cork pinboard
Printed fabric
Drawing pins
5mm width elastic I used about 3.5m in total
Blind cord (optional)
Quilt wadding (2oz thickness works fine)
PVA glue

Stage 1: Get your pinboard. Give it a wipedown. If its new decide where your hoops are going so you can attach string to wall mount the board when its done.
Stage 2: Cut the wadding to overlap the edges of the pinboards frame.
Stage 3: Cut the fabric to the size or slightly bigger than the size of the wadding.
Stage 4: Turn the board over and pin the wadding and fabric to the frame of the pinboard. I used drawing pins but you could use hot glue as well.
Stage 5: Measure, stretch lengths of elastic across the front and pin to the reverse of the frame. I used a diamond style pattern.
Finishing touches: I sewed a button on each crossing point for the elastic. The needle was passed though the cork at least twice then once the thread was cut I used pva glue to secure it.
This gave a quilted style finish to the front of the board. The two buttons on the edge of the frame are only decreatively sewed to stay inline with the design.
I also replaced the old string with a bit of nice white blind cord for hanging the finished board.

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